Sharpen Your Skills
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148 Lessons
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Welcome to Sharpen Your Skills

How to Get the Most Out of This Class

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Habit & Study Trackers

Spreadsheet Habit Tracker
1. One Octave Scales and Arpeggios

Week 1-1: Ascending Scales / Descending Arpeggios

Week 1-2: Scales Down & Up / Arpeggios Up & Down - Treble Bridge

Week 1-3: Scales Up & Down / Arpeggios Down & Up - Bass Bridge

Week 1-4: Five Minute Practice: Random Scales & Arpeggios
2. Big Dipper / Little Dipper / Smooshed Nevada

Week 2-1: Big and Little Dippers

Week 2-2: Smooshed Nevada (3rd Inversion 7th Chords)

Week 2-3: Resolving 7th Chords / Chord Progressions Practice

Test Your Knowledge!
3. G Scale in Thirds (Left Hand)

Are you feeling overwhelmed?

Week 3-1: Descending G Scale in Thirds - One Octave at a Time; then Full Range

Week 3-2: Ascending G Scale - One Octave at a Time; then Full Range

Week 3-3: Turnaround; Then Full Range Up & Down

Week 3: Practice Track Increasing through 10 Speeds, 2 Times Each
4. 2 Octave G Arpeggios

Week 4-1: Slowly with Stops

Week 4-2: Up & Down without Stops; Down & Up with Stops

Week 4-3: Review
5-6. Review 1 (2 weeks)

Read This: A Few Changes in the Class

Week 5: Review 1-1

Week 6: Review 1-2
7. One Octave Dominant 7th Chords

Week 7-1: From a Marker & From One Above a Marker

Week 7-2: From Below a Marker

Week 7-3: Descending—See the Shapes Backwards

Week 7-4 Random Review and Practice
8. G Scale in Thirds (Right Hand)

Week 8-1: Descending G Scale in Thirds - One Octave at a Time; then Full Range

Week 8-2: Ascending G Scale in Thirds - One Octave at a Time; then Full Range

Week 8-3: Turnaround; Then Full Range Up & Down

Week 8 Practice Track Increasing through 10 Speeds, 2 Times Each
9. 2 Octave Am and Bm Arpeggios

Week 9-1: Up & Down Slowly With Stops

Week 9-2 Up & Down without Stops; Down & Up with Stops

Week 9-3: Up & Down AND Down & Up without Stops
10. Compact Pattern (Key of D)

Week 10-1: Introduction and Random Practice

Week 10-2: Play Compact Pattern with a Tune (slowed down)

Week 10-3: Play Along with a Tune (Full Speed)
11-12 Review 2 (2 weeks)

Week 11: Review 2-1

Week 12: Review 2-2
13. Derivation of 3 Note Chord Patterns

Week 13 Extra: Simon Speed (with Sticky Dots)

Week 13-1: See the Shapes

Week 13-2: Treble Bridge (Key of D)

Week 13-3: Bass Bridge (Key of G)

Week 13-4: Review
14. Intervals / dim7 Chords

Week 14-1: Intervals

Week 14-2: Intervals Across the Bridge; Extended Intervals

Week 14-Bonus Example: Abide With Me Using 10ths

Week 14-3: Diminished 7th Chords
15. Full Range D Arpeggios

Week 15-1: Down from Top With & Without Stops

Simon Says Slow Down!

Week 15-2: Down & Up With Stops (& Without)

Week 15-3: Up/Stop at Top; then Up & Down Without Stops
16. Roll Chords (RLR) into a Tune

Week 16-1: Learn the Melody of Sommarvals

Week 16-2: Walk-through of Three Note Chords and Shapes

Week 16-3: Practice Tracks
17-18. Review 3 (2 weeks)

Week 17: Review 3-1

Week 18: Review 3-2
19. Harmonizing a G Scale (RLR)

Week 19-Simon

Week 19-1: Play the Full Shape; then Play the Tops Only

Week 19-2: See How Your Hands Move to Play the Three Patterns

Week 19-3: Name the Chords
20. Inversion Patterns

Week 20-1: Stacking the Shapes

Week 20-2: Reading Intervals and Identifying Chords

Week 20-3: Random Practice
21. Valley Rolls

Week 21-1: Gravity Bounce, Catch After 3, Catch After 2

Week 21-2: Add Your Left Hand

Week 21-3: Play a Valley Roll
22. 2 Octave F#m and E7 Arpeggios

Week 22-1 Two Octave F#m Arpeggios - Up & Down

Week 22-2: F#m Arpeggios - Down & Up

Week 22-3: Two Octave E7 Arpeggios
23-24. Review 4 (2 weeks)

Week 23: Review 4-1

Week 24: Review 4-2
25. Full Range D7 Arpeggios / 2 Octave Scales

Week 25-1: Full Range D7 Arpeggios - Up & Down

Week 25-2: Full Range D7 Arpeggios - Down & Up

Week 25-3: Combine Patterns for Two Octave Scales
26. Harmonizing a G Scale (LRL)

Week 26-1: See How Your Hands Move to Play the Three Patterns

Week 26-2: Simon Wonders if Video #1 Was Too Fast For You

Week 26-3: Name the Chords as You Play
27. Full Range G Arpeggios

Week 27-1: From Top Down and Back Up with Stops

Week 27-2: From Bottom Up and Back Down With Stops

Week 27-3: From Bottom Up and Back Down with No Stops
28. Roll Chords LRL into a tune

Week 28-1: Learn the Melody of The Winter is Past

Week 28-2: Walk-through of Three Note Chords and Shapes

Week 28-3: Practice Track
29-30. Review 5 (2 weeks)

Week 29: Review 5-1

Week 30: Review 5-2
31. Secondary Dominants

Week 31-1: Key of G

Week 31-2: Key of D

Week 31-3: Random Practice
32. Full Range Em Arpeggios

Week 32-1: Em Arpeggios from Top to Bottom

Week 32-Simon Slows it Down!

Week 32-2 Em Arpeggios from Top to Bottom With Stops

Week 32-3 Em Arpeggios from Bottom to Top and Back Down

Week 32-Bonus: Three Octave E Major Arpeggios
33. Compact Pattern (Key of A)

Week 33-1: Practice the Compact Pattern & Listen for Chord Changes

Week 33-1B: Where Does the Chord Change?

Week 33-2: Dull Chisel Chord Progression

Week 33-3: Play along at Various Speeds
34. Octave Scales / Contrary Motion Scales / Chromatic Trick

Week 34-1: Octave Scales

Week 34-2: Contrary Motion Scales

Week 34-3: The Chromatic Trick
35-36. Review 6 (2 weeks)

Week 35: Review 6-1

Week 36: Review 6-2
37. Harmonizing a D Scale (RLR)

Week 37: Simon Previews the Skill

Week 37-1: Play the Full Shape; then Play the Tops Only

Week 37-2: See How Your Hands Move to Play the Three Patterns

Week 37-3: Name the Chords
38. 3 Octave D Scale

Week 38-1: Pattern 1

Week 38-2: Pattern 2

Week 38-3: Pattern 3

Week 38-4: Pattern 4
39. Tops & Bottoms of Shapes (Key of G) - Bass Bridge / Bass Bridge Lifts

Week 39-1: Play the Full Shape

Week 39-2: Divide Each Shape into 2 Three Note Rolled Chords

Week 39-3: Simon Pulls Out the Sticky Dots!

Week 39-4: This Week's Bonus: The "Lift"
40. Compact Pattern (Key of G)

Week 40-1: Practice the Compact Pattern & Listen for Chord Changes

Week 40-1B Where Does the Chord Change? (Answers)

Week 40-2: Old Chattanooga Chord Progression

Week 40-3: Play Along at Various Speeds
41-42. Review 7 (2 weeks)

Week 41: Review 7-1

Week 42: Review 7-2
43. Full Range Arpeggios for a Tune

Week 43-1: A Part for Archibald MacDonald of Keppoch

Week 43-Simon Says "Wait for Meeeee!!!"

Week 43-2: B Part for Archibald MacDonald of Keppoch

Week 43-3: C Part for Archibald MacDonald of Keppoch
44. Roll RLR & LRL Chords into a Tune

Week 44-1: Learn the Melody of Eleanor Plunket

Week 44-2: Simon

Week 44-3: Walk-through of Three Note Chords and Shapes

Week 44-4: Alternate RLR & LRL Chords Through the Tune
45. Harmonizing a D Scale (LRL)

Week 45-1: See How Your Hands Move to Play the Three Patterns

Week 45-2: Sloth Mode for Harmonizing a D Scale

Week 45-3: Name the Chords as You Play
46. Tops & Bottoms of Shapes (Key of D) - Treble Bridge, Treble Bridge Lifts

Week 46-1: Play the Full Shapes

Week 46-2: Divide Each Shape into 2 Three Note Rolled Chords

Week 46-3: Simon Pulls Out the Sticky Dots!

Week 46-4: This Week's Bonus: The "Lift"
47-48. Review 8

Week 47: Review 8-1

Week 48: Review 8-2
49. Duplicate 3 Note Chords

Week 49-1: Top of Shape = Bottom of Shape Above

Week 49-2: Key of D (Treble Bridge)

Week 49-3: Evening of Roses (Exercise)
50. Full Range Arpeggios for a Tune

Week 50-1: A Part for Morag's Waltz

Week 50-2: B Part for Morag's Waltz

Week 50-3: Challenge Yourself!
51-52. Review 9

Week 51: Review 9-1

Week 52: Review 9-2
Da Capo